Which Sport Has the Most Injuries Recorded?

person making bandage on the leg - black and white photo

Injuries are a common occurrence in the world of sports, affecting athletes of all skill levels. While it may appear that certain sports experience more injuries than others, determining which sport ranks highest in injury rates is a challenging task. Various factors contribute to injury prevalence in sports, including the level of competition, equipment utilized, and the specific playing environment.

When discussing sports prone to injuries, football, hockey, and basketball often come to mind. These sports are characterized by physicality and frequent player contact, which can result in severe injuries such as concussions or fractures.

Football, in particular, poses a significant risk of concussions due to its inherent nature, while hockey carries a high injury risk due to its fast-paced gameplay and the use of sticks and other equipment.

Sports and Their Unique Injury Risks: A Closer Look

Sports offer a diverse range of physical activities, and each one carries its own set of injury risks. However, have you ever wondered which sport poses the highest risk of injury? According to data gathered by the National Safety Council, the answer is basketball.

Among all the sports analyzed, basketball emerged with the highest injury rate. Nearly 9% of all athletes engaged in this sport experience injuries annually. So, what makes basketball particularly prone to injuries? Several factors contribute to its heightened risk.

First and foremost, basketball is a high-impact sport that places significant stress on the bones and joints of the players. Second, the constant jumping and landing during the game increase the likelihood of knee and ankle injuries. Lastly, the rapid changes in direction and frequent sprints make basketball players more susceptible to muscle strains and other soft tissue injuries.

It’s important to note that this information doesn’t imply that you should completely avoid playing basketball. Instead, it underscores the importance of proper warm-up routines before engaging in the game and taking adequate breaks to minimize the risk of injury.

Sports with the Highest Injury Rates

1Motorboat Racing

In the realm of sports, where the thrill of competition meets the physical demands of the game, injuries are an unfortunate reality. Among the various sports, some stand out for their higher likelihood of causing injuries. American football, known for its hard-hitting tackles and collisions, takes the top spot on this list. Skiing and snowboarding, despite their exhilarating descents, follow closely behind, owing to the inherent risks of speeding down challenging slopes. Boxing, with its intense and direct combat, secures the third position, while basketball and hockey, marked by their swift pace and physicality, rank fourth and fifth, respectively. Gymnastics, a discipline that showcases incredible strength and flexibility, faces its own injury challenges at the sixth spot. Rugby and mixed martial arts (MMA), characterized by aggressive contact, hold the seventh and eighth positions, respectively, in terms of injury frequency. Soccer’s widespread popularity worldwide earns it the ninth spot, and motorboat racing, with its high-speed thrills, rounds out the list at number ten. Awareness of the potential injury risks in these sports is crucial for both athletes and enthusiasts to ensure safe and enjoyable participation.

Analyzing Sports with the Highest Injury Rates

Determining the sport with the highest injury rate can be approached in various ways, but one informative perspective comes from the data collected by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) spanning from 2009 to 2013. This dataset offers insights into injuries treated in hospital emergency departments throughout the United States, shedding light on the sports associated with elevated injury risks.

Upon examining the NEISS data, it becomes evident that several sports exhibit significant injury rates. Football, basketball, and baseball all register relatively high injury rates when compared to other sporting activities. However, the true picture emerges when we consider the absolute number of injuries. Football emerges as the sport with the highest overall injury count, followed by basketball and then baseball.

If the focus is on identifying the sport with the highest injury rate per player, then football takes the top spot. Conversely, when the emphasis shifts to determining the sport responsible for the greatest number of injuries in total, basketball claims the lead, followed by football and then baseball. This nuanced perspective underscores the multifaceted nature of sports-related injuries, shedding light on both the frequency and rate of injuries across various athletic pursuits.

Sports with the Highest Injury Frequencies

gameplay - player in orange suit jumping over player in blue suit on the field

When it comes to sports, some stand out for their propensity to lead to injuries. Contact sports like football and hockey frequently involve head injuries, contributing to their reputation for higher injury rates. Additionally, sports such as basketball, baseball, and soccer also find their place on the list of activities with notable injury frequencies.

In essence, sports that entail substantial physical contact or possess the potential for falls and collisions tend to be associated with elevated injury rates. These insights underscore the importance of injury prevention measures in various athletic pursuits where safety remains a paramount concern.

Comparing Sports with the Highest Injury Rates Per Game

Determining which sport records the most injuries per game involves considering multiple factors, including the severity and type of injuries, as well as the nature of the sport itself. Some injuries, such as concussions, carry more significant implications and potential long-term effects than others.

  • Sports can be broadly categorized into contact and non-contact varieties. Contact sports like football and hockey typically exhibit higher injury rates compared to non-contact sports like basketball and tennis. Analyzing the available data reveals that football consistently reports the highest number of injuries across all sports, with nearly half of all reported injuries stemming from football players;
  • This elevated injury rate in football is largely attributed to the sport’s inherent physicality, with frequent player collisions and physical contact contributing to the risk. Following football, hockey ranks second, with approximately 15% of reported injuries originating from hockey players. Similar to football, the high-speed nature of hockey and the potential for body checks and collisions play a significant role;
  • Notably, basketball, despite having a lower overall injury rate compared to football and hockey, demonstrates a relatively higher incidence of serious injuries, including concussions. This phenomenon can be attributed to the constant jumping and running on hard surfaces during games, along with the taller stature of basketball players, which results in falls from greater heights when injuries occur. In essence, the sport with the most injuries per game is a complex interplay of various factors, including the style of play and the unique physical demands of each athletic pursuit.

Sports with the Lowest Injury Risk

In the realm of sports, several activities boast remarkably low rates of injuries. Swimming, golf, bowling, and rowing are prime examples of sports with minimal injury incidence. Several factors contribute to the reduced risk of injuries in these sports.

First and foremost, they are non-contact sports, meaning that there is no physical interaction or collisions between players. This inherent lack of contact significantly lowers the chances of sustaining injuries. Secondly, these sports demand less explosiveness and power when compared to high-contact sports like football or basketball. Consequently, there is less strain and force exerted on the body, further reducing the risk of injury.

Moreover, the repetitive nature of movements in these sports can act as a safeguard against overuse injuries, as athletes engage in consistent, controlled motions that minimize the likelihood of strain. Lastly, these sports often implement rules and regulations designed to protect athletes, adding an additional layer of injury prevention.

The combination of non-contact gameplay, lower physical demands, repetitive motions, and protective measures renders these sports as some of the safest choices for athletes, significantly reducing the risk of injuries.

Sports with the Highest Injury Rates in 2022

Injuries are an unfortunate but common part of sports, and some sports seem to experience a higher frequency of injuries than others. So, which sport had the most injuries in 2022? According to data gathered by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, football topped the list with the most reported injuries in 2022.

  • Football players faced a range of injuries, including concussions, ACL tears, and shoulder dislocations. While football led in terms of the overall number of injuries, it’s important to note that other sports exhibited higher rates of specific types of injuries. For instance, basketball players were found to be more susceptible to ACL tears than athletes in any other sport;
  • Cheerleaders faced a higher risk of concussions and neck injuries compared to participants in other sports. Regardless of the sport one engages in, taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of injuries is crucial. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear, incorporating stretching routines before practices and games, and mastering proper techniques to minimize the chances of getting injured.

Identifying Sports Prone to Broken Bones

In the realm of sports, the risk of broken bones looms, and it’s no secret that some sports have a higher likelihood of causing these fractures than others. Let’s delve into which sport tends to yield the most broken bones.

  • Basketball, a high-impact sport, frequently finds itself associated with broken bones. In fact, it ranks among the top sports when it comes to bone fractures. Stress fractures, in particular, are prevalent among basketball players. These fractures occur due to repetitive impacts on the bones, such as when landing after a jump or enduring extended periods of running;
  • Football, another high-impact contender, is no stranger to broken bones. Collarbone and rib fractures are relatively common in football players, and even fingers and toes are susceptible to breaks in this rugged sport. Despite the use of protective gear like pads, broken bones still occur with notable frequency;
  • Winter sports like snowboarding and skiing, characterized by high speeds and slippery conditions, are notorious for causing fractures. It’s easy to lose control and experience severe falls, leading to fractures in various body parts, including arms, legs, and sometimes even the back or neck. Utilizing appropriate safety gear is paramount in reducing the risk of injury when engaging in these winter activities.

Cheerleading and Its Injury Challenges

wo cheerleaders in red uniform holding one girl on their legs and smiling

In the world of cheerleading, the risk of injuries is a constant concern. Ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitis, and concussions are among the most common injuries encountered in this high-energy activity. However, more severe injuries can result from missteps and mishaps during stunts and routines.

An eye-opening study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics reveals that cheerleading stands as the primary cause of catastrophic injuries among young women. Astonishingly, a staggering 65% of all catastrophic injuries in female athletes aged 6-22 can be attributed to cheerleading. What makes this statistic even more alarming is that cheerleading doesn’t enjoy official sport status in the eyes of many.

Several factors contribute to the elevated injury rate in cheerleading. Firstly, cheerleaders are often required to execute intricate stunts and lifts, increasing their vulnerability to falls and balance disruptions. Secondly, the practice of wearing high heels during these stunts heightens the risk of ankle sprains and other foot/ankle injuries. Lastly, cheerleading frequently unfolds amid basketball games, where constant player movement and contact intensify the potential for collisions and head injuries.

In light of these concerning statistics, several measures can be taken to reduce the incidence of injuries in cheerleading. First and foremost, prioritizing safety during stunt and lift performances is paramount. The adoption of footwear with robust support and the absence of heels during practices and performances can significantly minimize foot and ankle injuries. Furthermore, implementing stricter rules governing player contact during games, such as allowing only one player from each team on the court at a time, could prove effective in reducing collision-related injuries.


Injuries are an inherent part of the sports landscape, with some sports presenting a higher risk than others. Here’s a rundown of the sports most prone to injuries.

Basketball, characterized by its high-impact nature, frequently sees players succumbing to injuries. Among the most prevalent injuries in basketball are ankle sprains and ACL tears. Football, notorious for its physicality, remains a sport rife with injuries, where player collisions often result in concussions, broken bones, and ligament tears.

Soccer, while not as physically demanding as football or basketball, still carries the potential for significant injuries. Common soccer injuries include hamstring strains and ACL tears. Baseball, generally regarded as a safer sport, is not without its injury concerns, particularly for pitchers who may encounter arm-related issues such as elbow tendinitis and shoulder impingement syndrome.

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